#HR Archives - The Oxford Review - OR Briefings

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Developing organisational ambidexterity and the implications for HR, Org Dev and L&D

The OR Podcast

One of the big themes emerging from the management and organisational development literature at the moment is that of organisational ambidexterity. A problem that has dogged many organisations is how to continue to exploit its existing capabilities whilst at the same time developing and exploring new ones. Podcast Transcript Employee characteristics Leadership characteristics HR and […]

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HR Devolvement and Developing innovative work behaviours through self-leadership

HR Devolvement

Last week members received the following research briefings: HR Devolvement Keywords: Human resources, HRM, HR devolvement, line management, training, devolvement, decentralisation One of the trends that is occurring in organisations around the world is the devolvement and decentralisation of HR. Coupled with trends in automation and artificial intelligence (AI), this trend strongly suggests that there […]

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Organisational culture change through HR? Really??

HR culture change

HR create drag v culture change through HR Sometimes, in fact frequently, when I look at organisations about to embark on change or who are agile and under constant change and flow a number of functions stand out as potential drag to the change. One of these is the HR function. Hr can be seen from the […]

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The 3 Human Resources Credibility Factors

HR Credibility

One of the things Human Resources are constantly battling with is developing and maintaining credibility, especially with the operational functions in organisations. It is a continual background tension that sits behind just about every HR department and every thing they do and contribute. Creating credibility and developing influence in an organisation isn’t easy for anyone […]

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