The Oxford Review Blog: Evidence-based practice research briefings

2 things predict if you will get work burnout: your personality isn’t one of them

work burnout

How likely are you to suffer from work burnout? A series of new studies looking at what predicts work burnout in staff have just been published and they all point to just two things that makes all the difference. One study just published in the International Journal of Stress Management looked at a range of factors thought to […]

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How to manage people who do boring repetitive jobs

boring job

Managing people who have a boring job There has been a lot of previous research into how boredom impacts productivity in a wide range of settings. Virtually all the studies found, as you would probably expect, that when someone is bored they tend to make more mistakes and become increasingly inattentive to their work. As […]

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How to keep on top of your game without information overload

Staying up-to-date

There is nothing more powerful or impactful than when you go to the doctors for example, and she or he says something like “The latest research on this says that….”. Professionals at the top of their game and who can talk with ease about the latest research findings or some new thinking about a topic […]

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The Step-by-Step Guide to How Unethical Behaviour Develops

unethical behaviour in the workplace

The Step-by-Step Guide to How Unethical Behaviour in the Workplace Develops In the the last of my three part series on how to predict unethical behaviour in the workplace develops. Part One – How to predict unethical behaviour Part Two – Moral disengagement: How it predicts unethical behaviour To wrap up this research briefing today I will look […]

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How to know that someone is going to act unethically

Moral Disengagement

Moral disengagement: How to know if someone is going to act unethically In my last article How to predict unethical behaviour I looked at research that showed: The 2 primary predictors of unethical behaviour, and The 3 precursors of moral disengagement Today we are going to have a look at what the research says about the actual process […]

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How to predict unethical management behavior

predict unethical behaviour

How to predict unethical behaviour There are the steps people take before they engage in unethical behaviour and if you know the signs, you can predict it happening. It is better to see the warning signs and take action than wait for it to occur. This is the first of three posts in which I will review […]

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Organisational culture change through HR? Really??

HR culture change

HR create drag v culture change through HR Sometimes, in fact frequently, when I look at organisations about to embark on change or who are agile and under constant change and flow a number of functions stand out as potential drag to the change. One of these is the HR function. Hr can be seen from the […]

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How management can prevent the downside of change

Preventing the downside of change

How management can prevent the downside of change It has been found through a series of studies that staff cutbacks, particularly in service industries, invariably have a negative impact on frontline employees’ ability to interact successfully with customers. For example over nine years in the US healthcare industry, the number of patient interactions per employee […]

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